Nonjudgmental Mind
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Nonjudgmental Mind

Welcome to additional thoughts of Fishing Without Bait, a space that encourages people to live life without rigid expectations, avoiding disappointment and frustration. Today, we delve into the concept of mindfulness and its evolving impact on our lives. We explore the importance of non-judgmental thinking and how it contributes to experiencing life to the fullest. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and liberation from limiting beliefs.

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Desperation and Anxiety as Positive Forces
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Desperation and Anxiety as Positive Forces

Welcome to another insightful moment on Fishing Without Bait, where we embark on a mindful journey through life without rigid expectations. Today, we invite you to share your interpretations of "fishing without bait" and what it means to you. We've previously explored the essence of living in the present moment and expanding horizons. We've delved into the concept of comfort zones and the transformative power of mindfulness. Let's continue the journey as we break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace the potential for growth and self-discovery.

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My Beginning with Mindfulness
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

My Beginning with Mindfulness

6 weeks ago I had absolutely no idea what mindfulness was, had never heard of it, and most definitely would not have been able to tell you how effective it was. Yet here I am, 6 weeks later and able to tell you how a wise mind can work and most importantly how to live in the moment, Right Here and Right Now.

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Conceptualizing a Comfort Zone and Limiting Potential
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Conceptualizing a Comfort Zone and Limiting Potential

Welcome to another moment in our mindfulness journey called Fishing Without Bait. Today, we'll explore the concept of fishing without bait and how it relates to living life without definitive expectations. By stepping out of our comfort zones, we can experience the wonders and marvels that surround us, fostering mindfulness in our everyday lives. Join us as we embark on this mindful adventure and learn to expand our perspectives.

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Take the Brain Off Cruise Control
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Take the Brain Off Cruise Control

Welcome, dear friends, to our ongoing journey towards mindfulness. As we embark on this adventure, we invite you to join us in exploring the power of living in the present moment.

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How Our Brain Works
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

How Our Brain Works

Welcome to Fishing Without Bait, a space dedicated to helping individuals embrace a life without rigid expectations. In our previous discussions, we've explored various concepts related to mindfulness and intentional living. Today, we delve into the science behind mindfulness and its impact on our brain.

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Dropping the Rock
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Dropping the Rock

Welcome, friends, to the sixth part of Fishing Without Bait, a transformative concept that encourages living life without unreasonable expectations. In this discussion, titled "Dropping the Rock," we explore the profound impact of letting go of past traumas, resentments, and self-limiting beliefs. By shedding the heavy burden of the past, we open ourselves up to a present moment filled with mindfulness and authentic living.

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Beginner’s Mind
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Beginner’s Mind

Welcome to another moment of Fishing Without Bait, where we delve into the concept of mindfulness and living without expectations. In today's discussion, we explore the power of developing a beginner's mind, free from preconceptions and open to new experiences. Join us as we uncover the benefits of embracing the present moment and the wonders it can bring.

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Listen to Yourself
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Listen to Yourself

Welcome to our ongoing mindfulness journey at Fishing Without Bait! We are dedicated to living a life free from expectations, anxiety, and worry in our fast-paced world. Today we delve deeper into the meaning of mindfulness and explore the art of conversation. We previously discussed various aspects of mindfulness, including paying attention on purpose, finding uniqueness in each moment, and the concept of time as currency.

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Time as Currency
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Time as Currency

Welcome to Fishing Without Bait, a space dedicated to mindfulness and helping individuals live a life without expectations. Today, we'll explore the essence of fishing without bait, which involves living without unreasonable expectations. By examining the observer behind the thinker and recognizing the value of time as currency, we can cultivate mindfulness and find greater fulfillment in each unique moment.

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Human Being vs Human Doing
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Human Being vs Human Doing

Welcome to the second venture of Fishing Without Bait, a series aimed at helping you approach life without imposing definitive expectations on yourself or others. We explore the consequences of setting unrealistic expectations and how it can lead to disappointment, frustration, anger, and even guilt. By understanding the difference between legitimate guilt and unhealthy guilt, we can take a step back and question the realistic nature of our expectations. Today, we delve deeper into the concept of being a human doing versus a human being and reflect on the challenges of a busy life. Additionally, we discuss the power of choices and the importance of recognizing that everything in life is a choice.

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Welcome to Fishing Without Bait
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Welcome to Fishing Without Bait

Welcome to the launch of Fishing Without Bait, a space that offers a unique perspective on life, encouraging us to approach it without rigid expectations. In the upcoming weeks, we'll explore the concepts of being a human being versus a human doing, reclaiming our choices, and becoming observers rather than slaves to our thoughts. Additionally, we'll emphasize the significance of accurate labeling and description. Today, we'll delve into the importance of mindfulness and the art of living in the present moment.

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