Fishing Without Bait 420: Conquering Challenges Through Mindfulness and Gratitude with Tara

Join host Jim Ellermeyer in an engaging episode of "Fishing Without Bait" with guest Tara from This episode delves into recovery and mindfulness, showcasing Tara’s journey through managing negative thoughts and emotions effectively using cognitive behavioral techniques.

The discussion highlights the challenges and strategies related to Tara's recovery post-surgery, emphasizing the crucial role of gratitude in overcoming adversity. Tara shares personal insights on the importance of self-love and confidence, enhanced by practical advice on affirming personal truths through "I am" statements.

Whether you’re on a path of recovery or interested in mental well-being, this episode provides valuable tools for fostering resilience and gratitude.

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Fishing Without Bait 421: Breaking Chains: A Journey of Faith and Healing with Jenni Crumpton Ross


Fishing Without Bait 419: Transformative Tales with Tara